Avory and Lois Johnson
When you visit with Avory and Lois Johnson, they can tell you all the ways The Salvation Army has impacted the community in Hutchinson, KS. Lois has served on our Advisory Board for many years. And Avory has served The Salvation Army behind the scenes by helping with activities at Christmas, and through volunteering.Lois first learned about The Salvation Army from her uncles, who served in World War II. She remembers their stories of how The Salvation Army always provided free donuts and coffee to the soldiers. At another time, The Salvation Army helped her neighbor, whose house had burned down.
If you ask Lois why The Salvation Army is important in their house, she’ll tell you this: “I have seen the good they do for people without discrimination as to race, or anything else. They treat everyone equally.”
The Johnsons have always been hard-working and committed to making things better for others. They have always found ways throughout their lives to be a blessing to others.
Forever committed to The Salvation Army, the Johnsons established a planned gift as part of their living trust. “We included The Salvation Army as part of our estate plan, because we wanted to make sure we would continue to contribute after we are gone. We wanted our legacy to live on for many years. Everything we do for The Salvation Army is a labor of love,” they said.
Their attorney was very helpful in explaining how simple the process was to include a bequest for The Salvation Army in their will. Doing so allows them to accomplish their plans for their family, in addition to the charities that are most important to them. Such a gift will continue their legacy of giving back, while helping others in the community.
Please remember The Salvation Army as part of your legacy of love, too!